Explore the power of microbes via art and technology

They’re microscopic, mighty, and play a key role in life all over our planet. And yet, microbes get a bad rep because some of them cause disease.

In Microbes Rule!, step inside a giant microscope lens and discover these organisms in a whole new way. Through stunning art and groundbreaking technology, explore how the overwhelming majority of microbes are beneficial to us and essential to our survival.

Visitor info

Location: 3rd Floor

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  • Discover a glowing gallery of microbial art made by microbiologists, synthetic biologists, and artists using cutting-edge scientific techniques
  • “Paint” your own microbe using actual lab techniques. Add your microbial masterpiece to the gallery for others to see, or take them home via text or email
  • View the stunning Microuniverse wall created by Tal Danino, director of the Synthetic Biological Systems Laboratory at Columbia University. The wall is made of bacteria found in nature, then stained with bright colors in Danino's lab to highlight their fascinating patterns

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