Your LSC adventure begins as you enter the mesmerizing, wormhole-inspired Cosmic Portal

As you travel from the parking lot into LSC’s entrance, you’ll make your way through the Cosmic Portal, inspired by the concept of a wormhole transporting you to a far, distant place.

This stunning vestibule envelopes you in imagery, sound, and lighting effects expressing the compression and expansion of space and time.

The flow of light within the Cosmic Portal is made up of 468 individual suspended lanterns acting in concert with nine sound tracks that NASA created by converting radio waves, magnetic field waves, and plasma waves detected on historic and current space missions.

LSC designed the imagery for the Cosmic Portal with consultation from wormhole expert Dr. Thomas Müller from Haus der Astronomie in Heidelberg, who advised on just how a light ray within a wormhole would follow a curved surface.

Visitor info

Location: 1st Floor

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  • The Cosmic Portal is also kind to birds here on planet Earth! The wormhole graphic imagery is printed onto a film on the exterior surface of the glass walls and doors. Exterior window film helps birds see glass as a solid surface instead of seeing reflections of trees and sky. LSC referred to bird strike proof glass studies done by the American Bird Conservancy to ensure birds a safe flight.