A guest proposed in the planetarium – on-screen!

LSC News

One of the coolest things about LSC's new Jennifer Chalsty Planetarium, the largest and most technologically advanced planetarium in the Western Hemisphere, is that we can incorporate any type of custom video and adapt it onto our screen.

And that's exactly what happened today! Queens resident Danny Tan filmed a proposal video for his girlfriend Vivian, and we played it at the end of our Wonders of the Night Sky live show. It was a complete surprise for Vivian as an astronaut appeared on-screen, then removed his helmet and revealed himself to be her boyfriend.

Check it out:

Danny coordinated with us ahead of time and came in a few days earlier to film the video. All throughout the show, he waited anxiously for the moment when his face would appear on screen! After the video played, Vivian said "yes" and the audience burst into applause.

"I've always had an affinity for the cosmos," Danny told us afterward about why he wanted to propose in the planetarium. "I thought, with the new planetarium, we could bring the night sky to us."

Congratulations again to Danny and Vivian! Click here to learn more about the shows playing in the Jennifer Chalsty Planetarium and LSC Giant Dome Theater.

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