Activity Time: 10 minutes Recommended Grades: K - 8 Objective: In this experiment, you'll investigate sound as a vibration.
A device that you will use to play the song or sound of your choice
An empty container to hold your device (plastic is recommended)
Aluminum foil
Play a song or sound on your device at its highest volume.
Place your device into the empty container.
Use aluminum foil to cover the opening of your container. The aluminum foil should be large enough to tightly cover the opening.
Pour some salt onto the aluminum foil surface.
Observe and record your results!
You’ve made a chladni plate! The chladni (KLOD-nee) plate shows sound wave patterns. A chladni plate is made of two parts: a generator and a metal plate. The generator can control and generate different vibrations. These vibrations move the plate back and forth quickly. When salt is placed on the plate, we can see the pattern the sound vibrations create.