LSC Junior: Mr. Kengo's Maple Seed Models

LSC Junior

Kids in grades Pre-K – 2 are invited to conduct a fun experiment with Mr. Kengo!

In this activity, you'll create your very own maple seed model, and explore how the maple seed has a special way of getting the space it needs to grow and survive.

Families and friends following along for this experiment will need:
–A piece of paper
–A pair of scissors
–Optional: A pen or pencil
–Optional: A paper clip or binder clip

Watch along here:

This live stream was originally broadcast on LSC's Facebook page on April 20, 2020. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for more fun live streams like this one!

We would like to give a special thank you to the members and supporters who continue to make this science learning possible through their support of the LSC Sustainability Fund!

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