New scanner technology helps identify naked mole rats

LSC News

Just like ants and honeybees, naked mole rats live in a colony, with members of the colony taking on different roles. Some are diggers, some are foragers, one is a queen.

But how can you tell which is which?

Glad you asked! Here at LSC, we’ve recently installed a scanner in the naked mole rat habitat that identifies each individual mole rat.

When one of the hairless animals crawls through a marked tunnel, a reader tracks and identifies which mole rat you’re seeing.

In addition to its role in the colony, the scanner will tell you the mole rat's gender and birth date.

Come meet the naked mole rats on your next visit to LSC! They're located on the third floor in our Eat and Be Eaten gallery.

Click here to learn more about these fascinating creatures and why they're so baffling to scientists.

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