Sheba Medical Center displays cutting-edge health technology at National Engineers Week event

LSC News

Have you heard about Liberty Science Center’s partnership with Sheba Medical Center?

Sheba Medical Center is the largest hospital system in the Middle East, one of the top 10 hospitals in the world, and the first Innovation Partner of LSC’s upcoming 30-acre “City of Tomorrow” SciTech Scity.

Recently Sheba showcased their incredible tech during LSC's National Engineers Week, where guests checked out Sheba’s thermal imaging cameras, which allowed them to detect heat signatures. Guests also experimented with Sheba's AR goggles, which took them through virtual rooms containing different medical information on areas such as the heart, skull, lungs, and spine.

Check out some photos from their visit:

It’s technology like this that will be featured at the upcoming SciTech Scity campus, where Sheba will house a cutting-edge high-tech hospital simulation space designed to showcase the future of digital health and home healthcare.

Thank you to Sheba for stopping by! Phase I of SciTech Scity is scheduled to open in late 2023 and 2024.

Click here to learn more about Liberty Science Center and SciTech Scity’s partnership with Sheba Medical Center.

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