Who said wolves were scary? Wolfdogs visit LSC for Conservation Weekend

LSC News

April 21–23 was Conservation Weekend at Liberty Science Center! All weekend, the building was packed with conservation activities, labs and experiments.

On the final day of Conservation Weekend, LSC welcomed some very special visitors: wolfdogs from Howling Woods Farm in Jackson, NJ.

Guests were able to interact with two wolfdogs from the pack at Howling Woods – Samson (a large, dark malamute-wolf) and Kotori (a sleek, white shepherd-wolf mix) – and learn just how gentle these animals can be.


Samson and Kotori

Our presenter spoke about common myths about wolves and the need for their protection as an endangered species. In many classic songs and stories, like “Little Red Riding Hood,” wolves are seen as evil and dangerous villains. The reality of wolves, however, is that they are more likely to run from any sign of humans as they are very shy animals.

To quote our presenter, “You are more likely to be viciously mauled by a coconut than a wolf.”


LSC visitors meet Kotori the wolfdog


LSC visitors meet Kotori the wolfdog

Due to this unfounded fear, wolves have been hunted almost to extinction in the wild. This hunting has caused many unforeseen issues in the surrounding ecosystems.

Here’s one example: when Yellowstone National Park removed their wolves, it resulted in a complete breakdown, known as a trophic cascade. Without the apex predator, the herds of elk increased and ate most of the young willow trees. With no willows, the birds could not find proper homes to nest, and the problems continued in a widespread domino effect.

Howling Woods Farm hopes to spread knowledge of these beautiful, shy animals and change the negative image associated with them. We hope this special experience inspired our guests to change their perspective on wolves and spread the word on how much they need our protection!

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