Planetarium Online: Blazing Mars, From War of the Worlds to Tonight's Sky

Planetarium Online

What would happen if Martians invaded Earth? On October 30, 1938, many people believed that had actually happened during Orson Welles’ radio broadcast of War of the Worlds!

Join us for Blazing Mars: From War of the Worlds to Tonight’s Sky! In this new Planetarium Online show, we’ll look at what happened that night in 1938, why a radio tale about a Martian invasion seemed real to so many listeners, and why Mars has had such a powerful hold in the human imagination.

Plus, we’ll also use this live stream to show you how to find the Red Planet in the sky!

Check it out:

Liberty Science Center is home to the Jennifer Chalsty Planetarium, the biggest planetarium in America. Video for this presentation was created on an Evans & Sutherland Digistar 6 system.

This live stream originally aired on LSC's Facebook page on October 15, 2020. Be sure to like Liberty Science Center on Facebook to keep up with our weekly live streams!

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