Why did the turtle cross the road?

Science News

Why did the turtle cross the road? That’s not a joke, but a serious question!

Wild Eastern Box Turtles are most active in warmer months – April through September – and now that it’s spring, you may see these animals crossing the road trying to find a mate, food, water, or a spot to build their nest. Their optimal environmental temperatures are between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s not just humans that are moving around more in the warmer weather.

However, many turtles are injured or killed from vehicle strikes. They have a difficult time hearing an oncoming car, and an even more difficult time trying to move out of the way.

If you happen to see a turtle crossing the road, the best thing you can do is check your surroundings, be aware of other drivers, and observe the turtle at a safe distance while allowing it to cross the road on its own. You should never pick up a wild animal.

The Wild Eastern Box Turtle is a mostly terrestrial species, preferring woods and meadows. Unfortunately, habitat destruction and fragmentation due to roads and being illegally collected as pets have caused the box turtle population to decline in New Jersey to the point where they are currently listed as a Species of Special Concern.

If you see a box turtle in the wild, you can help by reporting its location to the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, Endangered and Nongame Species Program by submitting a Sighting Report Form.

The box turtle is just one of many species of turtles we have in our state. There’s also Common Map Turtles, Common Musk Turtles, Common Snapping Turtles, Diamondback Terrapins, Eastern Mud Turtles, and Spotted Turtles, to name a few. New Jersey also has Wood Turtles, which are listed as threatened, and Bog Turtles, which are endangered.

You can see turtles on your next visit to Liberty Science Center! Eastern Box Turtles regularly come out for our Animal Encounter, happening every day at 10:30 am and 2:00 pm. You can also see our Red-Footed Tortoises and Wood Turtle in our Eat and Be Eaten exhibit, and our Diamondback Terrapins in the Our Hudson Home exhibit.

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