We’re going mad for math, counting, probability, logic, and more for three full days. Here’s how all the fun adds up!
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition is now open. Time travel to 1912 and come aboard!
Rule Breakers feature film is the story of a brave young Afghan startup founder
Play and learn in all of the familiar settings from the world of Curious George! Meet George every weekend and holiday to snap a free photo!
Your donation will help make science learning accessible to all, including kids from our most vulnerable communities
Our brand new Liberty Express mini passenger train is now open for rides on weekends and holidays.
On special Thursday nights, LSC After Dark features games, bars, food, music and more! Ages 18 and up, only
All aboard! Experience the engineering marvels and bygone lifestyle of train travel in the early 1950s
Join Sesame Street friends in an out-of-this-world planetarium show
Experience the wonders of the universe as seen in the latest images from the James Webb Space Telescope in our live planetarium show
Begin an exciting career working at Liberty Science Center! See our open positions and apply today
Guest astronomers present a FREE Space Talk in LSC’s Jennifer Chalsty Planetarium at LSC After Dark adult events
Did you know wood turtles are among the smartest of turtle species? Meet the wood turtle at LSC!
Did you know naked mole rat babies are referred to as “pups”? Meet the mole rats and their pups at LSC!
Did you know tamarins are considered one of the smallest monkeys in the world? Meet the cotton-top tamarin monkeys at LSC!
Meet fascinating creatures that use their natural adaptations to survive in the wild
Liberty Science Center is here to support your efforts with our dynamic and engaging STEM programming that promotes sense-making through collaboration and discourse.
Check out our STEM Education Guide and peruse our wide array of offerings. We are confident you will find programs that meet your needs, plus we make it easy and fun.
Contact us at partnerships@lsc.org to learn more about our programs or to book a program today!